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Here's How it Works!

1) Get Your Egg White Cards!
Your store manager will give you 15 Great Egg White Challenge "Buzz Cards."
Print your name on each of the cards so you can get the credit for them.

2) Ready, Set, Register!
Go to and register to be eligible to win fantastic prizes. You’ll be asked for a username and password so you can keep coming back to the website throughout the promotion.

3) Deal!
It’s time to spread the word about the Great Egg White Challenge. Hand out the Cards to friends and family members you know will actively participate. Let them know they can win $500 and help you win great prizes, too.

4) Egg ‘em On!
Once you have successfully registered and handed out your "Buzz Cards," check back into the website to see how much credit you have earned from your friends and family.

5) Go the Eggs-tra Mile!
The more friends and family members that go online and give their feedback on your behalf, the more credits you will earn towards winning great prizes. You can make copies of the cards to keep spreading the word and lead your team to victory.

6) Suggestive Sell!
Be sure to ask guests if they want to try one of our new Egg White Flatbread Sandwiches.

Good luck and start spreading the word today!


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Haven't Registered?

First Name:    Last Name: 
Code indicated on your "Buzz Card":   
Email Address:    Password: 
(must be at least 5 characters long)
I have read and agree to the Crew Incentive Official Rules:   

Already Registered?

Email Address:    Password: 


Email if you experience technical difficulty
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